Sunday night I went around the corner to Edley’s, a popular Nashville barbecue restaurant to get take-out dinner for some friends. We are planning a Costa Rican vacation the week after Caterpalooza.
Napoleon Hill, author of the business classic, “Think And Grow Rich”, introduced me to the concept of the mastermind. By surrounding yourself with sharp, ambitious people and helping each other, you will go much further than going it alone.
Shark Tank is one of the most popular television shows today for entrepreneurs and their families. Since day one, I have been a big fan.
If you were to drive around Nashville, you would soon notice the construction cranes dotting the skyline. I heard the number was close to a hundred. During a meeting at a downtown high rise, I counted thirteen from one corner window.
A significant portion of my week is spent with prospective clients. I spend an hour reviewing their website, catering menu, marketing plan and materials. During a Go To Meeting, I also share all of the “best practices” to growing and running a catering profit center.
Imagine a proverbial case of free lemons. Most restaurant operators I talk to see a card board box full of sour problems. At minimum they complain, because they have an extra cardboard box to break down.