Tuesday, November 6, 2012 is Election Day. Those of us registered to vote will turn out to cast our ballot for the next President of the United States, as well as, a whole host of local, state and national candidates.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 is Election Day. Those of us registered to vote will turn out to cast our ballot for the next President of the United States, as well as, a whole host of local, state and national candidates.
Last weekend, my kids and I drove down to celebrate my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. For me to hit that milestone, I’d need to get married in the next year or two and live to be 100. Stranger things have happened.
I set an alarm just about every night to make sure I’m out of bed in time for whatever the day holds. I find it interesting that most of the time I awake just before the iPhone alarm goes off. I’m guessing my subconscious mind is watching my clock as I get some sleep.
I just picked up a book about copywriting for my Kindle. Though I have enough books about copywriting to sink a canoe, study never ends.
My buddy Shelly Lutz told me when he was single a man over thirty years ago, he only needed to know how to cook two meals to win a woman over.
Though Napoleon Hill coined the term “Mastermind Group” in his classic book, Think and Grow Rich, many successful business owners have chosen to utilize this timeless principle. The theory is to surround yourself with a trusted group of peers/advisors to help you grow your business, like our RCS Monthly Group Coaching Call.
Late last night I flew in from a mastermind meeting in Buffalo. Three times a year I meet with some of the sharpest marketing minds who get “our type of marketing”.
I just returned from a four night cruise with my girlfriend and kids. I resisted the urge to eat their signature chocolate dessert each night.
When I was in seventh grade, my buddies and I loved roller derby. It came on every Sunday night and was the equivalent of wrestling on skates. The Fabulous Thunderbirds were the star team.