
Keep Your Catering Calendar Full with Recurring Orders

Michael Attias Aug 21, 2024
Michael Attias

Ever had that moment where you wish you could clone yourself just to keep up with your clients’ repeat orders? Imagine being able to replicate your best orders with just two clicks, freeing up your time to focus on growing your catering business. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, with CaterZen’s rebooking feature, that’s not just a pipe dream—it’s your new reality.

Let me walk you through how this popular catering software feature can transform the way you manage repeat business, keep your clients delighted, and keep your calendar full without breaking a sweat.

Recurring Catering Orders: Your Digital Memory

Here’s the thing: Catering is all about relationships. Your best clients are the ones who keep coming back. But keeping track of every detail—what they ordered, how they liked it, and when they need it again—can be a logistical nightmare.

That’s where the recurring orders feature steps in. It’s like having a digital memory that remembers every order detail for you. With just two clicks from a customer's contact record in CaterZen's CRM, you can duplicate a past order:

Easily set the recurring order to repeat daily, weekly, or monthly, and customize it to your heart’s content.

No more digging through old invoices or trying to recall which day of the month that big corporate client always orders lunch. CaterZen’s recurring orders feature takes care of it all for you.

Real-World Use Cases: How Rebooking Saves the Day

Let me give you a few examples of how this feature could be a game-changer for your business:

1. Corporate Clients with Standing Orders

Imagine you’ve got a client who orders lunch for their office every Tuesday. Instead of manually entering the same order week after week, just set it up once in CaterZen. Now, every Tuesday, that order is automatically queued up and ready to go. All you need to do is confirm it, and you’re good to go.

2. Holiday Party Planning

Remember that big holiday bash you catered last December? The one where the client said, “We’ll definitely do this again next year!” With the rebooking feature, you can set a reminder for the next year and have the entire order duplicated with all the details intact. A quick follow-up to confirm any changes, and you’ve secured another lucrative event without the usual hassle.

3. Recurring Family Events

Let’s say you cater a family’s Thanksgiving dinner every year. Instead of starting from scratch each time, simply rebook last year’s order. Adjust any details they might want to change, and voilà—you’ve just saved yourself a ton of time and locked in the repeat business.

The Benefits: More Time, More Sales, Less Stress

Let’s talk about what this really means for you:

  • Save Time: The rebooking feature slashes the time you spend on administrative tasks. Instead of recreating orders from scratch, you can focus on what you do best—delivering top-notch service and delicious food.
  • Increase Sales: By automating the rebooking process, you ensure that no repeat orders slip through the cracks. Your clients are gently reminded when it’s time to reorder, leading to more consistent sales and fewer missed opportunities.
  • Enhance Client Satisfaction: Clients love consistency. They’ll appreciate that you remember their preferences and have everything ready without them having to remind you. It’s a small touch that can turn a one-time client into a loyal, long-term customer.


Case in Point: Pita Fusion’s Success Story

Let me share a quick success story from one of our clients, Pita Fusion. Before using CaterZen, managing recurring orders was, in the owner Nick’s words, a “Herculean task.” But once they started using our recurring orders feature, it became as smooth as butter. Now, Nick can confidently tell his clients, “Yeah, I got you… I know your preferences,” because he does—thanks to CaterZen.

With the time saved, Nick has been able to focus on growing his business and ensuring every client feels like a VIP. It’s not just about technology; it’s about building relationships and making every client feel special.

Ready to Take Your Rebooking to the Next Level?

If you’re tired of the grind of managing repeat orders and want to give yourself more time to focus on what really matters, it’s time to put CaterZen’s recurring orders feature to work for you. It’s a simple, powerful tool that can help you stay ahead of the curve, keep your clients happy, and your calendar full.

And if you want to dive deeper into how CaterZen can help you save time and increase sales, why not quick-start training session today? Let’s make sure your business is running as efficiently and profitably as possible.  Or you can sign up for a 30-day free trial to experience firsthand how our solutions can help you expertly manage your catering business and deliver exceptional service to your clients.

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