Before I cut to the chase and tell you how to have lifelong catering clients, let me share a story with you.
Before I cut to the chase and tell you how to have lifelong catering clients, let me share a story with you.
Last week I was in Portland, Oregon for a working vacation. I attended a wedding reception and put on a full day catering seminar downtown.
Today I feel like one of those senior citizen’s you see interviewed on ABC’s 20/20 talking about how they got scammed.
Who are you supporting in the Presidential election? Are you a Trump fan or die hard Hillary supporter?
There was a phrase shared with me years ago that I love to use, “The fortune’s in the follow up.” This line is so simple, yet powerful.
There’s a Yiddish word, mensch, that means someone of integrity and honor. An all-around good guy.
When I first opened my restaurant in 1992, catering prospects would call to have a catering menu faxed to them. Today it is all about the internet and your website.
Do you remember your parents telling you how they walked uphill both ways to school in the snow…with no shoes? Do tales of how hard life used to be in the olden days rattle around your subconscious when you hear your parents’ voice?
About a year ago, my daughter Jordyn started working as a hostess at Corky’s BBQ, the very restaurant I sold over ten years ago. She loves working with the public.