
Catering Tech, Vision, and Hustle: A Candid Chat with Michael Attias

Michael Attias Sep 25, 2024
Michael Attias

I just had the honor of being featured on the Catering Cage podcast with Erle Dardick, and we had a blast diving deep into the world of catering technology and how it’s changing the game for restaurants. Erle’s podcast is known for being the place for innovative ideas in catering, and I was thrilled to share my journey from restaurant owner to creating CaterZen, a solution that’s been driving catering success for over 15 years.

You can catch the full podcast interview here:


Let’s break down some of the key insights from our conversation:

1. The Early Days: Where It All Began

Ever tried running a BBQ joint without tech? I sure did—rolling silverware while catering orders were written by hand. I quickly realized that catering was a whole separate animal from restaurant operations. My “aha” moment? If I could just create a system to take these manual processes off our hands, it would save hours and increase sales. So, I took a gamble and launched CaterZen back in 2008.

2. Catering Is a Business Within a Business

During the podcast, Erle and I discussed one of the biggest mistakes restaurants make: thinking of catering as an afterthought. Listen, catering isn’t just some add-on—it’s a whole different ballgame. And it deserves a streamlined system. I always say, “You can’t fit a square peg in a round hole,” and catering is that square peg. It needs its own tailored solution, which is why I built CaterZen to focus on speed, simplicity, and scalability.

3. Bootstrapping the Dream

Some folks might think I had investors knocking down my door, but that wasn’t the case. After bootstrapping CaterZen with $30k (and turning down outside investment), I built this software from the ground up—one feature, one client, one success story at a time. You don’t need millions to start a revolution. You just need a relentless focus on solving real problems.

4. The Future of Catering Tech

Here’s what excites me the most: the future of catering technology is all about integration. The best systems don’t just handle orders; they manage sales, automate marketing, and make your ops team’s life easier. That’s what we’ve built with CaterZen—an end-to-end catering software platform that takes care of everything from lead tracking to production planning, invoicing, and delivery logistics. As Erle says, it’s not just about tech; it’s about leadership and strategy, and we’re here to help with both.

Why You Should Tune In

If you’re a restaurant owner, manager, or anyone looking to make catering a significant part of your business, this podcast episode is for you. You’ll walk away with practical tips and the encouragement you need to level up your catering operations. Whether you’re hustling to grow your catering sales or looking for ways to streamline your existing process, there’s something here for you.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you’re ready to take control of your catering business and boost profits, why not try CaterZen? I promise you, with the right tools, you can unlock a world of opportunity. We’ve helped countless caterers streamline their operations and add thousands to their bottom line—and we’d love to help you too.

Want to see how CaterZen works? Schedule a quick-start training session or sign up for a free 30-day trial. Let’s turn your catering headaches into success stories.

See more posts about: catering software


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